Commitment on Water Management
ESG Policies and Commitments
(Oriental InfraTrust)
Commitment on Water Management
Oriental InfraTrust (OIT) is committed to ensuring responsible water management in its operations, minimizing the impact on the environment and society. This is crucial to OIT’s overall mission to contribute to a sustainable future.
Water Management Commitment includes:
- OIT shall undertake measures to ensure responsible water management (withdrawal, consumption, reuse, recycle, discharge) in operations, protecting ecosystems.
- OIT shall assess its operations located in water-stressed areas to ensure responsible water withdrawal, consumption, recycling, and discharge in accordance with industry best practices. The suppliers follow a systematic method to measure and record the quantity of groundwater withdrawn and supplied to OIT (or its SPVs).
- OIT shall carry out water audit as part of internal EHS audit schedule while continuously upgrading and adopting newer technologies to minimize water usage impact resulting from OIT’s operations.
- OIT shall minimize water wastages and strive towards its goal of reduction in water consumption by re-use and recharge.
- OIT shall be transparent about data and initiatives undertaken in the direction of water management.
- OIT shall promote water conservation awareness among stakeholders through capacity building and training programs.
- The SPVs in water-stressed regions shall adopt a CSR or Community Development Program to improve rainwater harvesting along its road corridors by installing rainwater harvesting structures or linking the drainage channels along the road to existing water bodies (ponds, check dams, and other natural wetlands) in collaboration with communities along the road corridor.
Table of Contents
3. CSR Policy
5. POSH Policy
7. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
8. Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption Policy
11. Data Privacy & Security Policy
12. Nomination & Remuneration Policy
17. Commitment on Water Management
18. Commitment on Road User Safety