Human Rights Policy

ESG Policies and Commitments

(Oriental InfraTrust)

Human Rights Policy

The purpose of this Human Rights Policy is to set out how OIT respects Human Rights and the principles that underpin its operating procedures in place to identify, assess, prevent, mitigate, and document efforts to address adverse human rights impacts, and communicate its outcomes to concerned right holders and other stakeholders.


This policy applies to OIT employees, SPVs, and Project Manager(s)

Policy Statement

  • Equal Opportunity: OIT shall promote equal opportunities in terms of employment, training, compensation, promotion, retirement, and other business activities. OIT shall not permit discrimination or harassment based on race, caste, color, religion, disability, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender orientation, age, genetic information, or any other legally protected status. We promote diversity and an all-inclusive culture in our work practices.
  • Human Trafficking: OIT shall forbid any acts of human trafficking, slavery, and servitude within the company, its operations, and its supply chain. OIT shall not recruit, transport, or transfer any person via threat, use of force, fraud, or deceit with the intent to exploit.
  • Child and Forced Labour: OIT shall restrict all forms of forced and child labor. OIT shall strictly stand against physical abuse or harassment and is dedicated to ensuring that workers join and remain with OIT of their own accord. In addition, it is required that all our suppliers prohibit forced labor and other forms of exploitation in all of their activities. OIT shall not allow the exploitation of children by any sort of job that deprives them of their youth and is intellectually, physically, socially, or morally harmful.
  • Right to Association and Collective Bargaining: OIT shall acknowledge the right of its employees to form, join, and engage in representative organizations and bargain collectively over working conditions according to the national laws.
  • Equal Remuneration for Equal Work: OIT shall compensate its employees with competitive, performance-based remuneration that is complimented by supplementary benefits and believes in equal remuneration to employees with work of equal value following nondiscrimination practices.
  • Right to Privacy: All Business Heads/Employees are directly responsible to safeguard the information that relates to individuals, thereby ensuring compliance with our Data Security and Privacy Policy. OIT’s Employees shall understand and value information and its sensitivity and exercise their responsibility to protect it. Furthermore, no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his/her/their privacy, family, home, or correspondence, nor to attack upon his/her/their honor and reputation.
  • Right to Redressal of Grievances: OIT shall ensure all its stakeholders have the right to grievance redressal giving equal opportunity to provide facts and proofs without discrimination for all involved in the investigation process. A thorough inquiry procedure guarantees that all parties are treated fairly and addresses complaints adhering to the principles of natural justice, secrecy, sensitivity, non-retaliation, and fairness.
  • Operating in Armed Conflicts Affected Areas: OIT shall prohibit any contribution to armed conflict or human rights abuses in conflict-affected or high-risk areas. OIT shall also address policies related to the potential abuse of human rights by private and public security agencies.
  • Use of Private Security Agencies: OIT shall strictly follow the Security Management Plan for the appropriate behavior of security personnel as well as the handling of firearms. OIT shall ensure proper training is provided to the security personnel regularly.

Employee Handbook and Training

  • OIT shall ensure compliance with all its obligations and shall train/ educate employees on their rights and responsibilities. OIT shall create reference documents in the form of an employee code of conduct, and operating procedure manual and disclose policies on the web-site, that provide necessary information to employees on their benefit entitlements. These documents should be reviewed regularly to ensure they are updated.
  • OIT shall promote awareness of human rights with employees at various levels of its operations through training and communication.

Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA)

  • OIT shall conduct Human Rights Impact Assessment(s) to identify, understand, assess, and address the adverse effects of business operations on human rights.

Grievance Redressal

  • This policy shall be executed by the Human Resource Team. All grievances shall be reported to the grievance redressal committee, which will examine and take the necessary steps to investigate the complaint. If any event of non-compliance with the policy occurs, the team will decide the course of action. The grievance redressal committee will report to the Key Management Team at OIT, which in turn will report to the Board.


The Board shall review this Policy periodically to ensure its effectiveness of the Policy and recommend appropriate revisions to the Board for consideration and approval.