
ESG Policies and Commitments

(Oriental InfraTrust)

Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct outlines the requirements that every individual associated with OIT and its SPVs must comply with. We also expect those who deal with us to be aware that this Code underpins everything we do, and to work with us, they need to act in a manner consistent with it.


This Code sets out how we behave with:

  • our employees, or those who work for us
  • the communities and the environment in which we operate
  • the government
  • our customers and road users
  • our financial stakeholders

OIT’s Core Principles

  • OIT shall conduct its’ businesses, conforming to the highest moral and ethical standards. OIT shall not tolerate bribery or corruption in any form.
  • OIT shall remain committed to good corporate citizenship and treat CSR and environmental protection and conservation activities as an integral part of its business plan.
  • OIT shall not compromise safety in the pursuit of any commercial advantage. OIT shall strive to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its employees and all other stakeholders.
  • OITs’ conduct shall be fair and transparent and be perceived as fair and transparent by third parties.
  • OIT shall respect the human rights and dignity of all its stakeholders.

Policy Statement 

  • Employees and those who work for us

  • Equal Opportunity Employer

OIT shall be committed to providing equal opportunities to all its employees and all eligible applicants for employment in the organization. OIT promotes diversity and equality, through applicable laws and its Human Resource Policy.

  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption

OIT’s employees and those representing it, including agents and intermediaries, shall not directly or indirectly, offer or receive any illegal or improper payments or comparable benefits that are intended or perceived to obtain undue favors for the conduct of its business, by applicable laws and OIT’s Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption Policy

  • Dignity and Protection from Harassment

OIT shall be responsible for creating a conducive work environment built on tolerance, understanding, cooperation, and respect for individuals’ right to privacy. OIT does not tolerate any form of harassment by applicable laws and its POSH Policy

  • Business Gifts and Hospitality

Business gifts and hospitality are sometimes used in the normal course of business activity. However, if offers of gifts or hospitality (including entertainment or travel) are frequent or of substantial value, they may create the perception of an actual conflict of interest or an ‘illicit payment’. Therefore, gifts and hospitality given or received should be modest in value, appropriate, and in compliance with OIT’s Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption Policy

  • Respecting Human rights and Preventing Abusive Practices

OIT respects human rights to ensure the dignity of every human being, and the well-being of people and communities everywhere we work.
By its Data Privacy and Security Policy, OIT does not confiscate personal documents from its employees. OIT stands firmly against the all the forms of human rights abuse, such as child labor forced labor, and human trafficking. OIT complies with applicable laws and the provisions of its Human Rights Policylabor.

  • Integrity of Intellectual Property and Personal Information

OIT shall be committed to safeguarding all intellectual property rights and personal data by applicable laws and its Data Privacy and Security Policy.

  • Freedom of Association and Worker’s Organization

OIT recognizes that employees may be interested in forming or joining associations and workers’ organizations or involving themselves in civic or public affairs in their capacities, provided such activities do not create an actual or potential conflict with the interests of our company. Employees must notify and seek prior approval for any such activity if it is done within working hours.

  • Conflict of Interest

OIT’s employees shall always act in the interest of the organization and ensure that any business or personal association including close personal relationships that they may have, does not create a conflict of interest with their roles and duties in the operations of the organization. Should any actual or potential conflicts of interest arise, the concerned person must immediately report such conflicts and seek approvals as required.

  • Prohibition on the use of Drugs and Substances Abuse

The use of prohibited drugs and substances while on duty creates genuine safety and other risks at our workplaces. We do not tolerate intoxicants, drugs, and substances being possessed, consumed, or distributed at our workplaces, or in the course of company duties.

  • Insider trading and corporate confidentiality

All employees are required to comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations governing Insider Trading, including the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. Any non-compliance thereof should be reported to the Compliance Officer under the relevant Insider Trading Regulations.

  • Fraud and misconduct

Any fraudulent behavior, misrepresentation, or misconduct is liable to be investigated. Employees concerned are liable to face appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action. Any knowledge of fraud, falsification, and manipulation of data and information must be reported immediately.

  • Confidentiality and External communication

OIT shall refrain from disclosure of any confidential and sensitive information to any external party. Those authorized to make disclosures of OIT’s information must ensure that information provided to the stakeholders is true, accurate, and complete.